Pull requests

Below are the steps on how to Fork a GitHub Repository and Submit a Pull Request.

Before you continue you may want to check how to Creating a personal access token on your GitHub account.

  1. Fork the project, clone your fork, and configure the remotes:

    # Clone your fork of the repo into the current directory
    git clone https://github.com/<your-username>/cbm.git
    # Navigate to the newly cloned directory
    cd cbm
    # Assign the original repo to a remote called "upstream"
    git remote add upstream https://github.com/ec-jrc/cbm.git
  2. If you cloned a while ago, get the latest changes from upstream:

    git checkout main
    git pull upstream main
  3. (Optional) Create a new topic branch (off the main project development branch) to contain your feature, change, or fix:

    git checkout -b <topic-branch-name>
  4. Commit your changes in logical chunks. For any Git project, some good rules for commit messages are

    • the first line is commit summary, 50 characters or less,

    • followed by an empty line

    • followed by an explanation of the commit, wrapped to 72 characters.

    See a note about git commit messages for more.

  5. Push your topic branch up to your fork:

    git push origin <topic-branch-name>
  6. Open a Pull Request with title and description.

  7. When your commit is merged to main branch you you can delete your branch:

    git checkout main
    git branch -D <topic-branch-name>