
The cbm Python library provides an easy and organized way to run a variety of different tasks for checks by monitoring.

Python library for Checks by Monitoring, includes:

  • card2db : Transfer metadata from the DIAS catalog (direct access required)

  • extract : Parcel extraction routines (direct access required)

  • get : To download data locally

  • show : to show plots

  • foi : FOI analysis module

  • report : For reports creation

  • ipycbm : Interactive notebook tools, includes:

    • ext : Graphical interactive notebook widget for extraction procedures.

    • foi : Graphical interactive notebook widget for FOI analysis.

    • get : Graphical interactive notebook widget to download data.

    • qa : Graphical interactive notebook widget for Quality Assessment (QA) procedures.

    • view : Graphical interactive notebook widget to view data (graphs, images).

The first time the cbm library is imported it will create:

  • config/main.json # The main configuration file

  • temp # Folder to store all the intermediate data.

  • data # Folder to store the user data

All data can be stored in the temporary folder ‘temp’ or the ‘data’ folder. The difference is that every time the notebook is started, it will check if there is old data in the temporary folder and ask to delete them.

There are two methods to get parcel data, one is with the use of a RESTful API and the other with direct access to the database and object storage, RESTful API is the preferred method to retrieve and view the parcels data. To get data from a RESTful API a relevant server is needed see build a RESTful API server. To run the extract functions direct access is required.

Notebook widgets

A subpackage ‘ipycbm’ is available for use in Jupyter Notebooks and provides interactive graphical configuration panels and data visualization tools for Checks by Monitoring.

Main functions





To configure the config/main.json file interactively



Get data from servers with different methods (coordinates, parcels ids, map marker, polygon*)



View the data with many different ways**, with easy selection of the view method.



For running extraction routines and other cbm tasks



The FOI procedures notebook graphical interface



The Quality Assessment (QA) notebook graphical interface


Use: D=Can be used with direct access, R=Can be used with RESTful API

Data stracture

Example folder structure for parcel with ID 12345 stored in temp folder:

    aoi/2020/12345/info.json                             # Parcel information in .json format
    aoi/2020/12345/time_series_s2.csv                    # Time series form the parcel in .csv format
    aoi/2020/12345/backgrounds/*                         # Background images
    aoi/2020/12345/chipimages/images_list.B04.csv        # A list of downloaded images in .csv format
    aoi/2020/12345/chipimages/S2A_MSIL2A_2019---.B04.tif # The downloaded chip images
    aoi/2020/12345/chipimages/S2A_MSIL2A_...             # ...

Get widget

The get() function of ipycbm library provides an interactive Jupyter Notebook widget to get data from different sources, with variety of different methods (coordinates, parcels ids, map marker, polygon).

from cbm import ipycbm

View widget

from cbm import ipycbm